Hey, wow. Suprise. Everything Right is Wrong Again

After a incredibly cheery week last week, my karma finally caught up:

  • She hasn't emailed me back. And I felt so good about taking the risk. All I want is a fucking answer.

  • Fucked up my car, badly. Turned the corner I've turned 200 times before out of my alley, but this time I put my right rear door into the SUV whose arse was hanging out a little farther than normal. Dented the shit out of the door and part of the body. Good news: the door still works, and no damage was done to the SUV.

  • Differential Equations test was fucked. Yet another class I'm going to do poorly in. At least I'm consistent.

  • This Guiness is bitter.

Interesting thoughts: well, had the second counseling session this afternoon. Still kinda strange. The hypothesis that this guy put forth was that perhaps I'm avoiding close relationships because I had so many broken throughout my youth. I'm unsure if this is true, but it would be an interesting way to explain my alienation at this college. Then again, my eagerness to embrace this easy explanation is probably a cop-out. Easier to explain it as something that happened to me as a kid than explain it as "I just don't think to be social with most people." sigh. The other interesting thought was that I need to learn to accept that which is out of my control. If there's one thing the breakup last year taught me is that I am severely unhappy when I don't know the reasons for something happening which has an impact on my life. Once I knew the reason, everything made sense and I was happy. At least, until all that shit up there happened. Perhaps I could be happier with respect to item 1 if i could accept that some things are inexplicable or out of my control.

Blah Blah Blah. Thanks for listening to me get it out in an attempt to feel better about life.

Noding for the ages? Nope.

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     | a a a   *   * | 4-20: 3:00am-8:30am - 5.5 
     | t t t   * * * | 4-21: 1:45am-9:45am - 8   
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