Notes from the Surf

Stacking Bricks on Your Head
One person's everyday chore is another person's amazing ability.

The Shape of an Ant City
Skip to 4:00 if you're bored.

I guess this would make sense only if you've seen the movie...

There you go, Little Seed!
Let's hear it for the Oily Noodle.

Latest News from Iceland... Translated
"I lost my job at the end of October as a result of the depression so, for now, I consider my job to be translating Icelandic news for those of you who are interested in this crisis that is shaking the very foundations of the Icelandic society."

Free-Market Meat Market
Here we observe the Ayn Rand follower mating in his natural habitat...

The Guardian: "Tony Blair helped Murdoch overcome an official investigation which was jeopardising one of his big investments"
Judging by the rest of Blair's record, this is hardly surprising.

The Chicago Conspiracy
"Chile soon became a classic example of free market capitalism under the barrel of a gun."

Ecuador Asserts Debt Taken by Dictators Illegitimate and Illegal,_ecuador_declares_foreign_debt_illegitimate_and_illegal/
"Ecuador's use of legitimacy as a legal argument for defaulting would set a major precedent; indeed, the mere formation of a debt auditing commission does so."

Poland: There is an alternative to privatization of health care
Picketing hospital workers call for turning hospitals into cooperatives instead of traditional privatization.