Yet another
paradelle. This form is really interesting, I like the challenge of the constraints it creates.
The line "It floats forever in a moon-green pool" is from a sonnet, just titled Sonnet , by Elizabeth Bishop, which I recently read.
A turn of the cards, the queen of wands
A turn of the cards, the queen of wands
Never the future, only a moment to reflect.
Never the future, only a moment to reflect.
Cards of the future, only a turn of the wand,
never to reflect a moment, on the queen.
It came as a complete surprise. Epiphany.
It came as a complete surprise. Epiphany.
So breathtaking, many paths there before us.
So breathtaking, many paths there before us.
There, before it came, as a surprise, complete,
So many paths, epiphany! us, taking breath.
It floats forever in a moon-green pool*
It floats forever in a moon-green pool
At last, cool water, please drink me deep.
At last, cool water, please drink me deep.
It floats in a pool, water, cool, deep,
Green moon, drink forever, please me, at last.
In a pool, the moon, it reflects a complete path
The card, only a moment of the future
of a queen. Surprise? Never.
At last, a turn, before us, there
It came as water, green wand, it floats
Cool, breathtaking epiphany,
so many, please drink me deep, for ever.
Thanks, etouffee for being my poetry critic. We need to finish the other one.