I was at a casino/bookstore with a bunch of my friends. After a bit, my friends were gone and I was there watching my 6 year old nephew. I let him play with my leatherman to keep him occupied. He ended up breaking some of the features of it.. I tried to fix it, but I couldn't. I asked a guy reading a book in the engineering section if he could help me. He had me hold it while he tried some things. Around this time my nephew ran off but I felt obligated to help the engineer. While he was working on it I realized exactly how to fix it. I told him, but he said it wouldn't work. He continued trying seperate things and he could not fix it.. He ended up breaking it further. I was upset that he would not let me fix it.
Now he took me upstairs and said he would call his friend from AT&T, who would know how to fix it. He called, but his friend wasn't there. He was about to offer to do something else, but I told him I thanked him for his effort, and that it would be okay if he gave me the leatherman now, and left me his friend's number so I could call him later. (I didn't plan on using it.) I now had my leatherman, and since it was further broken, I no longer knew how to fix it.