• It was the last day of school, and for some reason afterward I rode the (city) bus from my high school to my up and coming college. In a previous dream of mine, the city bus system had made huge reforms, and those were in this dream too, it made a nice touch.

    There was a girl sitting behind me who was interested in me. She made little excuses to talk, and pretty soon, she was sitting next to me. We talked about ourselves while causual contact was abundant. Eventually she learned that I would never go to that school again and that made her sad.

    She found out I took nerdy classes (like AP BC Calculus) and said none of her older friends would have known me since they didn't take those kinds of classes. She was really worried about not seeing me again, but I told her I would be riding the bus to college.

    She then laughed, and told me I wouldn't be riding it from the high school, and that's what mattered. She then said, while she was laughing, "You smart kid, you can do any certain task so easily, but when it comes to making general conclusions..."

    Pretty soon it was my stop. I got off the bus. Then I noticed I hadn't gotten any contact information from her.