
The other night I was driving home thinking about recent events that have impacted my life. My mom broke her shoulder ice skating with my girls on Tuesday night. Wednesday morning I talked to her for at least four minutes before I realized she was confused about which of her daughters she was speaking with. Her physician thinks that her scapula fragment may reuinite with the rest of the bone if my mom keeps her arm immobilized. Hopefully that wish will be fulfilled with a minimum of pain.

Dealing with my family recently has tried my patience numerous times. We were at my aunt's place when a younger sister of mine challenged my statement about having a gluten intolerance. She works with the woman I've been seeing and for a split second I thought maybe I had heard something wrong during my last appointment. One of the problems with the celiac blood test is you must be ingesting gluten to get a positive result. An official diagnosis in the absence of a postive celiac panel is made only after a biopsy read a gastroenterologist confirms that you have intestinal damage.

When I discussed getting biopsied with my nurse practitioner she said didn't think it was necessary because I have responded to treatment. Before a biopsy can be performed the patient must have enough gluten in their system to be damaging it. The procedure is invasive, it would be expensive but none of that matters because there is no way I would survive eating gluten for that long. Initially I was skeptical about this whole gluten intolerance diagnosis. I could accept the fact that I had food allergies but I didn't really believe that I had a disease. Now that I know what happens when I accidentally eat something that has been contaminated with gluten I have no idea how I lived with this for so long without realizing that I have digestive issues.

When you live with a chronic condition it doesn't necessarily stop being painful but your body gets used to that level of stress. Now that the pain is mostly gone I spend a lot of time praying that it never comes back. Because my stomach didn't hurt in the sense that I wasn't nauseated I didn't know that my body was not processing things the way it should have been. One time the pain was so bad I went to urgent care, at the time I thought I might have had appendicitis however no one could find anything wrong so I was referred to another physician which led to me meeting the practitioner I see now.

Essentially I am sick and tired of dealing with my family and their lack of acceptance and support. People in my family are strong willed, they are opinionated and they like things to be done their way. I am also like this which makes things even more difficult because in the past I have told people how they should be running their own personal lives. Like the rest of my family members I mean well, deep down I think we all know that everyone loves everyone else but it is difficult enough to be sick, feel horrible and have to deal with regular life without the additional frustration of my family writing me off as a hypochondriac.

It doesn't bother me that my family thinks I'm a food freak, what concerns me most is the health and wellness of my children. They both have appointments to see the woman I go to on January 25, 2011. One part of me is fairly sure that my oldest daughter has a gluten intolerance. My husband thinks that I am searching for things to be wrong with her however in her I see my previous food behaviours. Silly things like she wants bean burritos without the tortilla and serious things like she can eat an impressive amount of spaghetti and be hungry two hours later.

Reading about nutrition has been a hobby of mine for a while. Being denied certain foods has forced me to be more creative in the kitchen, it has opened my eyes to exactly how little real food some people are eating and how complacent the majority of people I know are about things like food colorings, additives and preservatives. If my dream was to model good eating habits for my children I have now succeeded. I don't want people to have to go through some of the things I have been through which is why I can't understand why no one in my family is supporting having my children tested for a gluten intolerance.

I want my extended family to be tested as well since the link is genetic but whenever I mention it to them they tell me that they would get tested if they were having symptoms which they aren't. Now that my eyes have changed I see people differently than I used to. I am sure that I could positively impact most of the people I know, I have a message I want people to hear and I get frustrated by some of the challenges but I am also kind of excited that I have information I didn't before. Understanding systems is something I am very good at. The human body is a complicated organism which is why it is so cool when a new puzzle piece comes to me and a picture starts emerging.

Naturally I don't have all the answers, what I've learned is the beginning of a new awareness that I'm using to change my own life. Improving your health starts with the desire to transform what you've been given into what you may not have dreamed was possible. Being labeled a maverick at work is fine with me and hearing that I am not like a lot of other women is cool because I've given up trying to figure out what men want and started focusing on what I want for myself. 2010 was the year I discovered that I am not going to let a disease run my life, I don't know what 2011 has in store for me however I am looking forward to a new life this New Year.