Went to bed early, had some strange dreams about where I used to work. I don't know why I was there, but I followed some people around, worried that I would be caught. In my dream I knew it had been a while since I had been there, I saw a woman I didn't care for showing me where to go, then a guy who worked in produce talking to some other people. He gave me a friendly smile when I passed him. I walked past a gigantic freezer section, around me were pallets, towering wooden stacks of I don't know what hovering above our heads as we walked down the aisles. Last night my oldest came over because she was searching for her sister's purse. I helped her look for it, but neither of us could locate it which was strange since my place is very small.

When I woke up I felt a strange resistance by my feet. Somehow the purse had gotten covered up by the comforter. I took a picture of it, and sent it to both of my daughters. After work I went to get a pedicure. The woman tried to sell me a manicure, but I told her I was in a hurry to get home because I was hungry. The only reason I went in last night is because I had some pain on the right side of my right nail and thought a pedicure might help alleviate that. When I explained my problem she nodded vigorously and set to work. I will spare you the details of what she did, watching it was bad enough, one of those scenes I couldn't turn from despite the unpleasantness. Thankfully the pain is gone today.

I skipped polish, thinking to give my toes a break from the color they have worn most of the summer. She was very concerned about this, but I held fast. I did eventually get a manicure, but I skipped the color there too. She used some sort of hand tool on my cuticles which made me wonder how bad they really were since normally the only nails I see that being used on are the acrylics. I saw two of my favorite people last night, the guy I used to go to, and the woman who was so kind to me whenever that was. My nails are much shorter than I would normally wear them, but I understand that when there is an injury, you have to do things you wouldn't normally. 

Work was actually pretty tolerable yesterday. I like two of the women I work with for the most part, for most of the afternoon it was just us, I got a couple of quotes, and even ended up staying late because a customer out in Ohio added another fifty menus to her order. I thought about writing something about how menus come together, but I'm not sure I'm sufficiently expert to tackle this task. There is a lot more that goes into menus than I ever dreamed could even be possible. The next time you see one, think about what had to happen behind the scenes for that to exist. I've learned a ton at this job and am grateful for the creatives and operations people who are patient with me.

For the moment I have a job that is giving me some income and stability. It's not the best job I have ever had, but it is also far from being the absolute worst one either. I'm pretty independent, I work part time, I am by no means overworked, and for the most part, people pretty much leave me alone when I'm there. I dislike being micromanaged, this is about as far from it as you can get without being completely self employed or a remote employee. Right now my family needs stability, I might be able to go back to my previous hours once the school year starts, if not, that wouldn't be completely terrible either. I'm grateful that they rolled the dice on me when a lot of other companies wouldn't.



P.S. I guess sometimes I have to look at the alternatives to realize how good I really have it.
