user since
Wed May 12 1999 at 17:26:04 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
never (?)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -3
Send private message to kaBLAM!

Hey I'm kaBLAM!

Welcome to my home node.

In this node, you will learn nothing useful. Each sentence I type will be longer than the last one.

Leave now, or be sucked into a vortex of ever-increasing sentences.

I really mean it, you don'.t want to be a part of these unusually long sentences.

You know, people like you are the reason this world is in such a mess I mean if you would just leave when I told you to instead of nosing around where you don't have any business being we wouldn.'t still have to be wasting our time here.

Oh man are you in for it now, this sentence is going to be the longest one ever produced by the hand of man; you will rue the day you ever started reading this crazy sentence, but, I'm kinda tired so I.'m stopping here.