I would love to believe the world is not filled with perverts. Really, I'd love to. I'd also like to believe that it's not filled with incompetence either, but what's the point in fooling myself, right?

Today, as I was walking home from school, a guy came up to me and started jacking off.

The only things I can really think to say to this are "What the fuck?" and "Why the hell would anyone pull his dick out in such cold weather?"

But you see, despite the inclement weather today, I was truly in quite a happy mood and childishly enjoying the sound of crunching leaves. It was at the moment that I was particularly noting how beautiful was the contrast between the orange blanket of leaves and the grayscale of the rest of the world, when I heard a male voice behind me. I turned around to face what I assumed was merely an innocent inquirer of the time, only to notice that the man before me had his dick exposed to the brisk winter air and was eagerly and doggedly tugging on it.

God, I wish I had hit him with my umbrella, but instead I stomped off in disgust, hoping that I'd be able to laugh about this sometime in the near future.

And looking back on the events of this afternoon, I admit I was angry and disgusted by the way this stranger took advantage of me by fantasizing about my body without my consent. But after that initial shock and outrage, I began to really think about the psychology of such an enigmatic and seemingly fruitless activity. Did this guy think that I would be so astonished by his throbbing, uncircumsized member that I'd want to have sex with him right then on some cold and wet park bench? Or was it some kind of control thing? Does he feel if he can make someone else feel uncomfortable, he somehow holds some kind of power over her? Or perhaps there is some thrilling risk factor involved that I don't understand. Was he excited by the potential that I might have high-kicked him hard enough to ensure he would never spawn any more perverted jackasses like himself?

Whatever the case, I'm sure I'll never figure it out. O well. Unfortunately, there are a lot of perverted people in the world. There's a lot of incompent people as well, but I guess you can't neuter all of them.