"The only thing we have to fear ...

Is change of any kind to Everything2." (I may be paraphrasing.)

So what have we done in March for the users?

  • added a bunch of new writeuptypes
  • increased the XP for submitting a writeup to 5
  • increased the XP for receiving a cool to 10
  • Created the E2 Gift Shop, which allows users to give their chings away to other users and allows users to buy chings for 100 XP
  • Revised the new user mail (it'll be making its debut sometime next week)
  • Added tinyMCE to our arsenal to make editing easier (you can turn this on at Writeup Settings)
  • Created the Wheel of Surprise
  • Created the ability for level 6 users to change the outside room topic (go to e2 gift shop, buy a token, and presto change-o.)
  • Made a lot of progress with our Javascript system - hopefully it'll be in place by the end of April
  • Made quite a bit of progress on the Zen theme

On the downside, we did remove the XP bonus for using all your votes. What kind of evil overlords would we be if we just gave you 100% good stuff?

Over the rest of this year, our goals are to roll out the red carpet for Zen and Javascript, to redesign the front page, and to more generally make things around here a little more accessible, fast, and helpful.

As always, if you have any suggestions for making E2 better (for you or for everyone) you can let me or any other administrator know.