How to compute your Basal Metabolic Rate for weight loss.

Body Weight * 11 = unadjusted BMR

Unadjusted BMR: This is the amount of calories your body requires on a daily basis without factoring in exercise or walking to the water cooler. No external work is done.

Adjusted BMR = (BMR * work factor) + BMR

Work factors vary from .1 for relatively sedentary to .5 for 1 hour hard exercise each day. These are the calories that are burnt every day in your activities.

Adjusted BMR is the amount of calories your body requires to maintain its current weight given your activity level.

In simple form to loose weight or cut you must consume 500 calories per day less than your Adjusted BMR. Cardio is an essential form of exercise when cutting

To gain weight or bulk you must consume 500 calories per day more than your Adjusted BMR. When bulking one should minimize their cardio.