1) A conical volcano (4565 m high) located in Northern Tanzania, on the East edge of the Rift Valley. The last eruption of Mt. Meru took place in the 19th century, and formed the volcanic cone which currently makes up the summit of the mountain.

Mt. Meru is part of Arusha National Park and is supposedly fairly easy to climb.

2) A provincial city in central Kenya, beside the Northeastern face of Mt. Kenya. The city is the center of a district named for it, the chief crops of which are coffee and tea. The region also produces khat leaves, which are exported to Yemen and Somalia.

Population (1992): c. 100,000.

3) The ethnic group which inhabits the vicinity of the city of Meru (2). Approximately 1.2 million Meru live in the region.

4) In hindu mythology, a mythical mountain, the hub of the world, which stretches from the highest heavens to the lowest regions. This sacred mountain is home to the most important gods of hinduism.