Hey, your favorite lizard here.

Wow, you humans. Looks like you are gearing up for a nice big "world" war III to distract everyone from all of the bad behavior during Covid-19. Great way to distract from a pandemic. Also, it will worsen or extend it. Go Russia.

Yeah, so, the Roaring Twenties are so far showing up in people quitting stupid jobs where they are treated like shit and insane property and house buying in rural areas like mine. Two houses within a block of me have sold for around 400K. One two blocks away, under 1000 square feet but on a double lot, is listed at 399K. Every empty lot in town has a for sale sign. Many have sold a year ago and now there is construction all over, including a Very Rich House Community. Will it be gated? Dunno. I do know that they have moved the Rhody Run for the first time in years, because Cook Avenue is blocked by a very large construction project, the Very Rich House Community.

A year ago my house, nearly three times as large as the two that sold, would have been worth around 400K. Now I don't know. At least 550. More if I staged it, which would require moving 3/4 the stuff out. Maybe I should buy a storage unit place. Heh.

I guess denial and acting out and Having A War are Stages of Grief too.

So let's see. There are already shortages. Is your Victory Garden planted? Do you have seeds? Is your stockpile of toilet paper up to date? What about your bomb shelter? No hoarding, now. That would not be patriotic. Better buy a flag. Or two.

Good luck.

