One of my patients eventually had to have her husband admitted to memory care. He was falling, he was angry, he outweighed her by 50 pounds and he was incontinent. When he fell, she could not get him up.

She went to our hospital Grief Group and came to see me, angry.

"They said he's still alive!" she snarls. "I got mad and said, no, my husband is gone! He just left his body!"

"I'm so sorry." I say. "I am sorry that they don't understand."

"I'm selling his stuff." she says. "I don't have any use for Ham Radio equipment. And HE doesn't EITHER, now."

She stomps out. I am sure she cried too.

That is how I think of Alzheimer's. Neurons burning out from the present to the past. When the person can no longer talk, they are close. Then they are in the womb and stop eating.

Let them go, let them go, god bless them. Where ever they may be. You may search the wide world over but your memory person is free....