I thought I would post this directly in. Its an IRC log. I feel numb, speechless and angry, but his geeky response to it all also makes me laugh.

*friend* hello thar!
*lucychili* greets
*friend* yay!
*lucychili* =)
*friend* you know who this is?
*lucychili* yup
* lucychili waves

*friend* phew... I realise I don't IRC that much so wondering if you knew my irc handle
*friend* I went to the hospital at about 1pm
*friend* got home at about 11:30pm
*lucychili* !!!are you ok?
*friend* I gots repeatedly kicked in the head last friday night
*lucychili* !!!!!!!!
*friend* and the one time I decide to tough it out, "I don't need no doctors" etc
*lucychili* holy carp
*friend* something is actually broken
*friend* bah its nothing, it doesn't hurt at all
*lucychili* where did this happen are you ok?
*friend* main street of XXXXX and yup I'm fine
*lucychili* XXXXXXX!!
*lucychili* no reason except spite i guess

*friend* so yeah spent the WHOLE DAY at the hospital
*friend* got to the CT scan machine thingy at about 8pm, scan took about 30 seconds.
*lucychili* i know how that feels, place is green and feels like it is decaying around you
*friend* doctor said I shouldn't eat for 6 hours before, in case they want to cut me open.
*lucychili* talk to me about the borkedness
*friend* so there I was, waiting 4 hours for the CT scan, no food, no smokes. i was sad.
*lucychili* you should have called for a buddy mate
*friend* a nurse hassled them to find out when the scan was, so I got to go for a smoke
*lucychili* nods but what is broken?
*friend* I didn't want to bore anyone that bad
*lucychili* well i would have been happy to be there
*friend* a bit of my cheek bone is sticking up towards my eye
*lucychili* .
*friend* and there is a fracture running from my eye socket all the way down to my teeth
*friend* which are also bent down a few millimeters
*lucychili* ok so what happens next
*friend* the face specialist is gonna call me, apparently they're only in on mondays
*lucychili* how did you get to hospital, ambulance?
*friend* but yeah I'm gonna get face surgery
*friend* bus
*lucychili* XXXX
*friend* last friday... as in 7 days ago
*lucychili* you should have called
*friend* I wasn't really worried, I've copped a few whacks to the face before
*friend* I just thought it was a black eye, nothing serious
*friend* but its serious sorta
*lucychili* i would kick your butt but it seems a bit tasteless given the circumstances
*friend* heheh
*lucychili* ok
*friend* I can't be hurt that bad, I still have my sense of humour
*lucychili* youre a tough cookie but that doesn't mean you cant have mates by your side ok
*friend* but yeah, on monday they're gonna cut my face off and reset the bones
*lucychili* ok then
*lucychili* how long do you need for recovery

*lucychili* do work know?
*friend* no idea yet
*friend* work knows
*lucychili* nods
*lucychili* strange times

*friend* nah I'm right there's no pain
*lucychili* can you eat?
*friend* yeah
*friend* while those lads were reworking my face they loosened up a broken rib I had 2 years ago
*friend* so my rib is playing up a bit
*lucychili* yes ribs hurt
*friend* but nowhere near as bad as it was
*lucychili* why you?
*friend* because they're little punks, and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
*lucychili* your actual head is ok ie concussion etc they've scanned?
*friend* yeah, nothing wrong with the head or eyes
*lucychili* good
*friend* only thing I notice is I've lost the feeling in the outside gum of my top right side jaw
*friend* makes brushing my teeth interesting, as I can't feel what I'm doing
*lucychili* .
*lucychili* i am sorry we haven't realised sooner
*lucychili* we should have been there for you mate

*friend* realised? wtf dont beat yourself up about it
*lucychili* m
*friend* there's nothing wrong with me
*lucychili* .
*friend* just a few bumps and bruises
*friend* that kind of need surgery
*lucychili* !!!!!!!!!!1
*lucychili* indeed

*friend* hehehe
*friend* I'm fine
*friend* it took me a week to see a doctor, I only went because everyone was telling me to go
*lucychili* ok
*friend* oh yes other good newsies
*friend* err,,, or rather the just the good news bit
*lucychili* m
*friend* they switched my ADSL over to 2+
*lucychili* GEEK
*friend* so I'm a very happy geek now
*lucychili* that's nice dear
*lucychili* =) hehe youre right you do seem your usual self
*lucychili* thanks for letting us know hey

*friend* Oh yes, do you know any doctors? (preferably geeky ones)
*lucychili* yes i have a lovely doctor
*lucychili* XXXXXXXXX in aldgate

*friend* I asked a nurse if I could have a copy of the data file that the CT scanner produced
*lucychili* m
*friend* being a geek with 3d maths/graphics skills I knew I could have a lot of fun with it
*friend* she said I would have to ask the doctor
*lucychili* heh
*lucychili* ok

*friend* the doctor said they could only give me print outs of the diagnosis, and I'd have to pay
*friend* they would only give the data file to another doctor
*friend* so I want to get a doctor to get the file, to give it to me :-)
*lucychili* no harm in asking
*lucychili* he puts up with my art and poetryness

*friend* cuz I want to make an OpenGL spinny thing with my skull :-)
*lucychili* nice
*lucychili* i think he would give it a shot
*lucychili* he is a nice man
*lucychili* ok mate get some sleeps and we will see you on the morrow hey
*lucychili* anytime is fine

*friend* awww but but but.... I was going to watch terminator :-)
*lucychili* hAH!