The jittery horror of 
  stepping into a room 
    to meet new people 
      dropped away.
        as I saw their faces,           quiet intensity,  
          and understood:               a matching caution
                                        at the expensive challenge
                                        of social exchange for a too receptive mind
These people are family.                
Their minds are like mine. They speak my story, 
my quandaries and strengths from unfamiliar mouths. 
I feel the strangeness of belonging, of being in-step. 
I can read these faces, anticipate their concerns and feelings, 
the aching points of contention. 

The strange particolour duality; confidence in intellectual clarity, 
fearless advocacy for ideas and ethics, and a softer self, stepping away 
from battles of self defence, as if they were all unwinnable.

Socialised to resolve contention in favour of our context, 
The mind then makes this choice every time. 
So hard to stand up for the rights of the self. 
They seem to be so tenuous and compromised, 
perhaps a problem of conceptual focal length. 

Not worth making a fuss, avoiding conflict 
until the pressure reaches some critical intensity 
and some kind of fissure, explosion, or escape 
changes the landscape irrevocably.

I watch her self-doubt and professional efficacy 
flash and tumble. 
We stay an hour longer finding commonalities, small ones, 
parallel paths, recognition and smiles. 

I walk to the car better armed to care 
for my own perspective
now that I can see it corroborated 
in the lives of others.