Let us now take a moment of silence for the Christian religion, that has through the centuries co-oped various traditions of assorted pagan religions to make it easier to convert them; for it is now falling prey to its own methods. Christmas now is a Hallmark Holiday that has been co-oped by capitalism, along with its cousins Halloween and St. Valentine's day. Its original meanings of green and birth are being lost to the green of the all powerful dollar. The original plain white ornaments on the tree representing Holy Eucharist, now dangle in in the colors of gold and silver of precious metals. The lights on the Christmas tree of old now hang in almost every window, much to the dismay of the power companies (at least in Northern California 2000, where people are urged not to turn them on until after 7pm because of power shortages). Saint Nicholas would be rolling in his tomb to find millions of children world wide sitting on the laps of images of him, professing their greed to whoever can hear.

To the various minority religions out there, have pride in your religious holidays, be it the festival of lights, or the simple winter solstice. Be proud that your holidays have not fallen to the great devourer - secular capitalism.