I had planned to go to all my classes today, simply because it was my last day, and thought it would be the Right Thing to do. But after Pure Maths in the morning, and some prompting from Tom, I couldn't be bothered, and went home just after lunch. I'd already bumped into the git who takes the maths class I have all afternoon, but I really couldn't care less anymore.

There was a party for the crew of last week's production of Millionaire, the main purpose of which appeared to be to give Chris a chance to get together with a gal. It didn't really work.

We got a 27" pizza at one point. It was finished within five minutes.

Got a taxi home with the girl next door, who I hadn't really talked to before. I have her mobile number, now.. whether I'll actually use it is another matter, though.

Oh, and in just a moment, I'll get my 100th writeup.