If you're going to send criticism to a noder, don't just say "j00r n0d3 sux0r3d, p4001! im v071ng j00 d0wn!" Don't just say "Writeup good." or "Writeup bad." If there are egregious factual errors, point them out and send the correction. If the writeup needs links hard or links soft, say so, and don't forget to explain pipe links to newbies. If the formatting is bad, give the reasons and suggestions for improvement. If spelling and grammar errors muddle the meaning, make it clear exactly how they do so. Generally, sending a link to a section of the E2 FAQ or Everything University is much more helpful with a short explanation.

If you receive criticism, criticize it yourself before accepting it. Is the critic verbally abusive, making attacks on your person rather than your writing? Does he say "Your writeup is wrong/bad" without any reason? Feel free to ignore the fool. Does he evenly and fairly deal with the shortcomings of your writing (rat bastard that he is)? Then reevaluate it in light of the criticism. If you disagree, TELL your critic WHY you disagree. Debate; if his suggestion won't hold up, then there's no reason for you to accept it.

Is the critic a powerless low-level noder? That doesn't mean he's automatically wrong. I have seen a God happily accept a valid criticism of one of his Latin translations, in a case where the newbie's facts were correct and his were mistaken.

In short, just remember that you are not perfect, and in a forum like Everything2, you are bound to encounter someone more knowledgable about than you about some subject. Be brave in debate and honorable in defeat. You'll be a better writer for it.