Well I don't believe it, a geek with a date to the senior prom... I never thought i'd see it but luckily enough it happened to me. And shes even pretty damn hot too. So instead of me sitting on my ass noding while everyone is at the prom, I'll actually be at the prom having fun. Now the only problem is, I have to find a tux that fits a 6'7" 300 lbs guy, not to mention size 17 black dress shoes, with a week to do it...

Also, I have my college orientation tommorow (sweet), im so glad im gonna be moving out of my house... its going to be fuckin April 20th everyday when i get out :)

Unfortunatly, I have to spend the day sober because I have a drug test coming up... The only day of the year when its ok to be high... and i spend it sober... what the hell is wrong with me?