Some websites just work. On a functional, informational or artistic level. These websites will not often make the best of the web lists, because they are not often flashy in the case of functional or informational sites, or entirely accessable in the case of artistic sites.

Some good examples:

  • Functional - sites that function as community portals. A kind of framework in which people with similar interests can interact. Aristic merit through functionality and "engaging-ness".
  • Informational - sites for the distribution of topic or region specific information (kind of a blurry line between this and functional sites - generally don't have the same sense of community). Artistic merit through ease of use.
  • Artistic - advance the concept of the web as a tool for artists - typically present a concept in an engaging matter. Usually convey more eye candy that information.
    • Kaliber 10000 -
    • Mi5print -
    • As a guide, Fierce -