There is a conception in popular culture that people that are streetwise are not academically intelligent and vice versa. This conception is embodied in stereotypes, such as the socially inept nerd and cool rebel.

First, it is necessary to explore the two concepts. The quality of being streetwise includes many features: procedural skills; persuasive and able to argue; pragmatic and probably a little cynical; mature in life experiences; good understanding of human nature and reading people; understands complex social norms (able to communicate ideas and opinions well, able to imbue significance into events feelings, understands the rules of social exchange); knows how to be cool (originality, conformity to some expectations but not others, style in clothes, understated and relaxed), generally not introverted, has a subjectivity. The quality of being academically intelligent includes the following: Understands conventions of writing, reading, and analysing; competent in well structured tasks; able to memorise and understand rich conceptual domains of knowledge.

I would argue that the two traits are probably not especially related. People can be streetwise and not academically intelligent. Also, while academic intelligence can add sophistication to being streetwise it by no way guarantees it. Academic people can be sheltered and lack life experience, understanding of economic and social realities and fail to apply their analytical skills to real world issues.