In lambda calculus, the Y operator (also known as the Y combinator) computes the fixed point of a function. As a bit of background, note that everything in the lambda calculus is a function.

Given a function F, Y F is the function g such that g = F g. Autrement dit, Y F = F Y F.

A quick example (using pseudo-Lisp syntax as mjs did above):

nextfact = (lambda (f x) (if (<= x 1) 1 (* x (f (- x 1)))))
fact = (Y nextfact)
(fact 7) => 5040

Here's a definition of Y that works (in Scheme):

(define (Y f) ((lambda (x)
                  (lambda (z) (f (lambda (y)
                                    ((x x) y))
               (lambda (x)
                  (lambda (z) (f (lambda (y)
                                    ((x x) y))

In Common Lisp, it would be:

(defun Y (f) ((lambda (x)
                 (lambda (z) (funcall f (lambda (y)
                                           (funcall (funcall x x) y))
              (lambda (x)
                 (lambda (z) (funcall f (lambda (y)
                                           (funcall (funcall x x) y))

This assumes you have a decent enough CL implementation to have the lambda macro. gcl, for one, doesn't have one, so you would need to insert #' in a few places above. In both of these, it only works with procedures of two arguments (including the f argument), and produces a procedure of one argument. In other languages, such as ML and Haskell, partial evaluation and currying allow any function to be written to take a single argument, so arity is not a problem.