By Linus Cohen(Western Australia)

(Scene: A tree-filled park. WOMAN is sitting on a park bench, reading a newspaper. MAN is walking towards the bench, and is about to sit down.)

(MAN kicks stone, stone flys off-stage. We hear a breaking glass sound effect.)

WOMAN: You should apologise for that. If you don't, it's bad karma.

MAN: Karma. Pah.(MAN sits down on bench.)

WOMAN: I'm serious. If you do bad things, they will come back at you. It's one of the tenets of Eastern religion.

MAN: Karma is no basis for a system of morals. In truth, no-one can really know what morals are, for the entire concept of moral law is subjective and relative.

WOMAN: I doubt that. It's fairly likely that there is one objective system of moral law which can be applied to all things.

MAN: Nothing is objective, as long as it is studied by humans. Human ideas and concepts are all entirely subjective.

WOMAN: Oh, well. I guess I can't change your mentality.

(WOMAN stands up and punches MAN in the face.)

WOMAN: See? Karma! (She walks off-stage.)

MAN: Ow.