Coming from a (as of the time of writing) 16 year old, I have to say that no, it isn't just you. Kids these days are way more disrespectful than they used to be.

I'm not going to bother citing any news articles and sources here; I would like to give my perspective and what I have experienced during my time in various public schools instead.

So, without further ado...

Part I: Holy Fuck, Don't Say That!

I would be lying if I told you that I don't have a bad habit of cursing. I swear like a sailor constantly. That's just how I've grown accustomed to speaking; I mainly use it to let out frustration because I get frustrated often. However, I've noticed some of my classmates and fellow "scholars" have an even worse habit than me- they constantly use slurs for no reason. From the n word (hard R!) to the f slur, and everything in between, I've heard it all. As a bi guy, the latter actually really pisses me off; especially when it's being used by some straight guy who's never been called it in that tone before. Those who have know what I'm talking about.  They do it constantly, and don't keep it down, to the point where I started to tune it out until I heard one of hte nicer teachers straight up yell at the class to, "Stop saying the n word!". It's pretty upsetting.

Part II: Do You Even Think About Who You're Talking To Before You Say Things?

This leads me to my second topic- disrespect. Just today, I nearly beat a freshman's ass for this very reason. I'm trying to get up the stairs; 5 people behind me are trying to get up the stairs; two freshmen are sitting there chatting and not moving. I tell them, "You gonna move, or just stand there?" and they make a hole- but not before one of them says, "Sorry!" and immediately follows it up with the gem of, "Fuckface."

I spin around. "The fuck did you just say to me?"

The kid looks up at me, and tries to be funny. "I love you."

I immediately narrow my eyes. "That's not what you said. You wanna say what you really said?"

Mind you, I don't usually bully freshmen like this. But this kid was being a dick and I was having a bad day, so I figured I should enact my privileges as an upperclassman and teach him a little lesson.

"I'm sorry bro," he says, reaching out a hand for me to high five him or dap him up or whatever he might have wanted.

"No, dipshit. Keep walking or I'm gonna break that hand."

He immediately turns and leaves. His friend goes after him, saying, "C'mon, man, quit acting scared!"

I won't lie and say that wasn't the funniest shit I've seen in a long while.

Part III Because I'm Getting Sick Of Being All Negative: The Kid On The Stairs Came Back

So, parts I and II of this writeup were written on October 2, AKA Yesterday as of this noding. Today, that same kid- or one of his friends, so many kids here look almost exactly alike- was leaning against the railing above the little bit of wall where I'm sitting, trying to enjoy my lunch, under the very same staircase where I put the fear of the Lord into him just the day prior. Now, he's up there dropping little flecks of something into my hair. To my benefit, I notice what's going on by the third thing falling and look up to see him staring at me, another little fleck in my hand.

"Uh. Hi!" He tries to say in a cheerful tone.

"What do you think you're doing?"


"That's right, you little bitch."

"Did you just call me a bitch?"

"Didn't you call me fuckface? Actually, scratch that, better question: how badly do you want your nose smashed in with a hydroflask on the day before a 4-day weekend?"

He went down the steps and past me; his friends told me they would talk with him, and followed him away.

I don't doubt that's the last time I'll be seeing him.