Riften is a Hold in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's one of the major holds with an "interior city", which here just means that its city is a seperate "area" from the rest of the world, unlike, say, Morthal. However, Morthal is still better than this shithole.
Riften is a disgusting slum, with its sewers running right through the city. Not to mention that the crime rates are through the roof due to the local Thieves' Guild living in the sewers, which the Jarl either doesn't think is real or is in cahoots with.
Every quest in this city sucks. "Get me gold ore and rubies!" "Collect 24 of these gems for me that are literally scattered across the entire map!" "Reverse-pickpocket this ring onto this guy for me!"
I. AM. THE. DRAGONBORN. I do not give two SHITS about your mid guild! I don't care! I dual wield Stalhrim axes and beat guys to death with my fists. I only sneak to get closer so I can get blood on my hands when the action starts.
Not to mention the fact that if you aren't here for the Thieve's guild, there's no reason for you to be here. They're literally the only draw to the town.
Whiterun, for example, has the Skyforge, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, and the market square. That's 4 reasons for you to be there. Riften only has downsides, like the fact that it's annoying to explore and everyone there are assholes to you.
Don't go to Riften. Try Falkreath, or Markarth, or hell, even Winterhold for something interesting.