I am an American soldier. I did not join to fight wars. I did not join to be perceived as noble by anyone but myself.
Until I joined, I had never fired a gun. Until I joined, I never trained in hand-to-hand combat. I never wanted to kill a person.
Now I fire a weapon periodically. I am trained in combat. I still do not want to kill a person. Someday, I might be required to - not out of personal necessity, but from an order from some old guy in Washington. And that scares the shit out of me.
But I'm in the United States Army. And when that day comes, for better or worse I'll serve this country. I'll do whatever it takes. Does that not make me courageous, even noble?

"Countries aren't people. They don't deserve loyalty or sacrifices."

America is not a piece of land. America is you. You, me, and every other American, all of whom have the freedom to denounce it as easily as you have chosen to do. The army, soldiers, me - we protect you. We fight for you. I have to kill someone I don't know for you. I live with that - for you. Whether you appreciate it, whether you realize you need it, whether you think you'd rather not need us, we are YOUR army.
Tell me you don't need me. Tell me I'm a stupid gun-touting fool. But don't say I'm not noble.