REMINDER! The Fantastic Manchester Booze-Fueled Britnoder Bash!

At Last! I have finnished that bloody report about my industrial placement. This done on top off full working days in the office!
Completion goes like this, got up at 8:10, showered, dressed and in Uni by 8:45. I printed it out, made a cover sheet and handed it in. That simple. A bit of an anti-climax after the 6 hour sessions working on it when I get bacdk home. I'll have to figure out a way to appologise to my girlfriend for being so innaccesable since Monday.

As usual, I am "planning" to go out and get drunk tonight but I'm not sure if I'm going to get around to it! It's been around 5 weeks since I last got drunk properly and I think this week has been a reason for me to deserve it!