I want to live a life that has not been
predetermined, not one that has been
mapped out for me. I want to live
on the edge (if that's possible in this day and age), not to take the easy path that has been pressed upon me since I was five...get good grades in
high school to go to
college on
scholarship...major in math or science or something to get a high paying job when you are through...
internships, advisors, so so safe. I'm young, I want to do something with my
I want to disappear competely and never be found. I want to drop everything and leave...drive myself and whatever possessions I can stuff into my car to a city on west coast, find an appartment, find a job, make new friends, find new things to do. Create my own life.
I want to take advantage of the opportunities I have been given.
I want to make my mother proud of me.
I want to paint a picture.
I want to dance all night.
I want to make music.
I want to prove ten statements about linearly dependent vectors.
I want to write a totally worthless Java program.
I want to learn assembly language.
(Not really)
I want to be in love.
I want to fuck.
I want to lay in a hammock with wish23x, eat yummy drugs, and worry about whether the trees were dreaming or not.
I want to disappear.