I have yet to figure Everything out. But I will. More things I'm into: beer, wine, OK most forms of alcohol will suffice. Perl, Java (both the language and coffee), HTML, XML, and various other forms of programming. I'm a telev.ision addict, favorite shows: The Simpsons, The X-Files, Sports Night. Film buff: The Godfather, Dead Poets Society, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Enough for now, time to make more nodes. I'm from the 'burbs of Detroit and went to school. at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.
- user since
- Wed Apr 28 1999 at 10:27:50 (25.9 years ago )
- last seen
- never (?)
- number of write-ups
- 2 - View rayjose's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / 44
- most recent writeup
- Dead Poets Society
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