user since
Wed Apr 14 1999 at 08:45:37 (25.5 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jun 16 2000 at 18:32:14 (24.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
23 - View rivet's writeups (feed)
level / experience
2 (Acolyte) / 583
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most recent writeup
taco shell shrapnel
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Slightly gothy, slightly synthpoppy. Coldwave junkie. Tech support burnout. Aspiring musician. Addicted to Altoids. Slave to the Wintel duopoly no longer! Yay!

Tangential crackbaby. Spork.

Seriously though, I'.m a resident of the Charlotte NC area. I work at a pretty swell web application development firm. I consume way too much caffeine, listen to a lot of depressing music, and generally make no sense. I'm no longer the King of Unrequited Love. Help! I'm being dethroned!

I can't remember where my home page is. It probably ran away, or is cowering behind the sofa. At any rate, should be up soon. And now you know!