The function f(x), illustrated in the graph below (which represents a HTML bell shape curve), is that of the Standard Normal probability density function or PDF. The Standard Normal PDF has mean=0 and standard deviation=1.

            * :    |    : *
          *   :    |    :   *
        *     :    |    :     *
      *       :    |    :       *
    *         :    |    :         *
***           :    |    :           ***
    2      -1 a    0    b 1       2

The area under any continuous PDF is 1, as indicated in the following equation -

∫ [ (e-0.5x²) / (√2π) ]dx = 1

The area sectiond by ' : ' represents the probability that the random variable X assumes a value between X=a and X=b
OR P(a<X<b).