Kingdom    Animalia
Phylum     Chordata
Class      Archosauria
Order      Saurischia
Suborder   Theropoda
Infraorder Coelurosauria
Family     Ornithomimidae
Genus      Dromiceiomimus

dro - mi" - see - o - my' - muss

Dromiceiomimus was a very bird-like dinosaur that lived 74–70 million years ago, near the end of the rule of dinosaurs in the upper cretaceous period. Its name means "emu mimic", which emphasizes the bird-like qualities of it and its fellow ornithomimidae (bird-like dinosaurs). Ornithomimidae are a type of coelurosauria, which also include such dinosaurs as the tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptor, as well as modern birds. Coelurosaurs are a type of theropod, which are carnivorous, hollow-boned, bipedal dinosaurs. It should be noted, however, that the phylogeny of these groups is still undergoing revisions.

The dromiceiomimus, named by D. A. Russel in 1972, lived in Western Canada. It was built for bipedal running, and was probably one of the fastest dinosaurs that ever lived. It had longer legs than other dinosaurs of its type, giving it a long stride while running, and the tail was probably held stiffly out in back for balance. Combined with its hollow bones, light frame, low weight for its size, and three-clawed feet for grip, they might have been able to reach 65 kph (40 mph), like a modern ostrich.

It stood about 2 meters (6 feet) at the shoulder, was 4 meters (12 feet) long including the tail, and probably weighed a svelte 100–150 kg (200–300 pounds). Other features include long arms ending in three clawed fingers, a long neck with a small head, a long tail, and a weak, toothless beak. The beak indicated that it probably ate insects, eggs, and possibly small, soft-bodied animals such as lizards and small mammals. To assist it in its hunting, it also had very large eyes (larger than any living land animal) and a large brain, which probably also made it one of the smartest and most advanced dinosaurs.

Due to its speed, intelligence, and probably keen eyesight, the dromiceiomimus was probably a very successful dinosaur. It was smart enough and fast enough to catch small prey with its long arms, and its intelligence and speed probably also helped it avoid most larger predators.