Hello E2.

My birthday was on August 3rd, 2007, which makes me 22 now. Some interesting new fun facts about the life of scuzzy since we last spoke in February.

  • I quit my old job at TestAmerica Analytical Laboratories on June 27th, 2007 with a planned finish date of July 13th, 2007. They "cut me loose" on the 3rd of July and paid me up till the 13th - full health benefits and the ball of wax. I can't complain about free money
  • I started working for Watkins College of Art and Design and Watkins Film School on July 16th as Network Administrator. A nice fat 31% pay increase over the crap I was making before. I'm typically working 9AM to 5PM (including) a 1 hour lunch break (which I don't normally take like I used to at TestAmerica - it's moreso just go grab some food, munch munch, then get back to work)
  • Started talking with Churchill Mortgage yesterday regarding purchasing a home. He did some rough math and came up with about $125,000 as my upper limit at about $1,000 a month - but I'm still shooting for the $110,000 arena like originally planned. If you've never heard of Churchill, it comes recommended by the Dave Ramsey Show - a nationally syndicated radio show
  • Love Life has been rocky, the person I thought was wonderful turned out to be horrible - between then and this past weekend it's been a lot of little ole me and nobody else; the difference is I did get laid over the weekend; kinda fun, mostly not (it was the situation, not the person) the odd thing is I haven't heard back from him. I must have been a bad screw (he wasn't all that great either)
  • A good female friend of seven years is going through some rough times, currently lives with her brother on the north side of Maryland at the wishes of her parents, trying to find some work in the public service sector (political or CIA/FBI she's trying to get into I think) Of course, if you're not a good old boy and don't know a few, you play hell getting into that tight knit group.
  • Trying to get her to move down here to Tennessee with me and into a room in my house if I do have the opportunity to buy - still mulling it over with the mortgage company. she says she wouldn't mind it, but some people just say that, and when it comes to actually doing; they flake out.

That's all for me, for now. Until next time, you sexy bitches.
