Headers are a group of HTML tags that are used to group an HTML document into sections like in an outline. There are six levels of headers, each with their own element numbered h1-h6. While the sizes of each heading can be overridden with Cascading Style Sheets, by default, the most significant and largest header is h1 while the least significant and smallest is h6.
See also: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, big, font, small, strong
The heading tags do not have any required HTML attributes. However, they do have a long list of optional attributes:
To use any of the header tags, simply place opening and closing HTML tags around the header text. For example:
<h1>Header Level 1</h1>
<h2>Header Level 2</h2>
<h3>Header Level 3</h3>
<h4>Header Level 4</h4>
<h5>Header Level 5</h5>
<h6>Header Level 6</h6>
On browsers that support this tag, this will typically cause the words "Header Level 1" to be very large, with each line getting smaller until the smallest header is reached at "Header Level 6".
The purpose of the tags are to structure your document for easier viewing and parsing. Therefore, the header tags should not be used to replace any tags for making text larger (big, font), smaller (small, font), or bolder (b, strong). In fact, as can be seen in the example below, the header tags are block elements, and will automatically cause a padded area above and below the header text similar to the p (paragraph) tag, so cannot be easily used as inline elements.1
Everything2 Support?
E2 does provide limited support for the all of the header tags. It does not allow the use of any of its HTML attributes. Below is how your browser displays the example above here on Everything2. You may notice that the sizes are not displayed as expected (especially in the ekw theme) due to the format of the style sheets used on E2.
Header Level 1
Header Level 2
Header Level 3
Header Level 4
Header Level 5
Header Level 6
If you would like to use this tag with any of its attributes, you can do so in your Notelet Nodelet.
Common Browser Implementations2
Most web browsers support these tags, as they have been around since at least HTML 2. Most browsers implement the tag as described above by rendering the header text in different sizes. It is the font and any style sheets used for the heading that will determine precisely how large it will be in the document.
Previous HTML Tag: frameset (previous E2 supported HTML tag: em)
Next HTML Tag: head (next E2 supported HTML tag: hr)
See Also: HTML tags and HTML attributes
1 You can work around the padding issue by using stylesheets, but you should be careful not to lose site of using this tag as a structural element.
2 Please feel free to send me information about how other browsers implement these tags.