                                        (Heaven) Uranus___Gaea (Earth)
                                                        |  | 
                                                        | Uranus   
                              |        |         |        |                |
                            Cronus___Rhea      Coeus___Phoebe            Ocean___Tethys
   ________________________________|__               |                         |
   |     |       |      |      |     |               |                      Iapetus
Hestia Pluto Poseidon Zeus___Hera Demeter___Zeus   Leto___Zeus    _____________|____________           
                        |  |              |         ____|____     |            |           |  
                    Athena |          Persephone    |       | Prometheus     Atlas     Epimetheus
                     ______|_________            Apollo Artemis                |           |
                     |     |        |                                 Zeus___Maia Zeus___Dione   
                  Ares    Hebe  Hephaestus                                 |           |
                                                                        Hermes     Aphrodite  

cited from: Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Little Brown & Company, January 1950.

Some gods appear twice and it is because they had multiple sexual partners including relatives, without protection as the tree shows. In addition, Zeus was quite a playa and rapist.
Aphrodite is often said to be born of the seafoam, the source of which is Cronus' severed testicles, though there is reason to believe she was born to Zeus and Dione.
Hephaestus is sometimes said to be only Hera's son, not Zeus'.

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Greek and Roman Mythology