“Sometimes the lies you tell are less frightening than the loneliness you might feel if you stopped telling them.” Brock Clarke

We hid behind a mask, a wall, a façade…a lie. It holds us together while it gradually tears us apart. If we hold on to them for too long will we become them? Turning lies to truth seems common practice these days. Why? What if we dropped the lies, the masks, the walls would it be that bad? Just the thought creates a panic. So exposed, open, raw. We continue hiding with sarcasm, anger, optimism. To each their own however they’re all equal poisons. Destroying us from the outside; getting into every niche exposing us at our weakness moments. Through these cracks we are seldom exposed. What if someone sees? Just a small crack in our wall but it’s enough, they’re in. And the lies continue, a vicious cycle, trying to push them back out and repair the crack. Just a little bit of plaster should do. What if the lie doesn’t work? What if they keep pushing? I shudder at the thought. I’m fine.