Taxi Fares of the WorldSydney, Australia
Taxi Fares inclusive of Goods and Services tax (GST) effective from 1 July 2000
Hiring charge: $2.35
Distance rate: (Tariff 1 - 6am-10pm daily) $1.32/km (Tariff 2 - 10pm-6am daily) Tariff 1 + 20%
Radio booking fee: $1.10
Waiting time: $36.84/hr (61.4 cents/min)
Luggage rates: First 25kg no charge, then 10 cents per subsequent 25kg or part thereof, maximum payable 55 cents
Toll & ferry charges: The hirer must pay the full toll and ferry charges which are GST inclusive that apply to a journey.
Note a return toll is payable on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel.
Attribution: Sydney Taxis Combined Taxi #T-2272, sticker affixed to driver's cage, 23-July-2000