A very typical kind of Dutch food and a very good example of the level of sophistication of Dutch cooking is stamppot. Stamppot consists of potatoes plus a vegetable, which are cooked, mashed together and served with gravy , cubed bacon and (smoked) sausage; mustard can be added for festive occasions.
Favourite vegetables to use in stamppot are carrots and onions (the stamppot is then called hutspot), curly kale, endive and sauerkraut.
Mind you, one should only use one vegetable at a time! Only in the case of hutspot is it allowed to use two kinds of vegetable. Under no circumstances should you add herbs or other spices than salt and pepper.
Stamppot looks horrible, but tastes better (if you prefer bland food, that is). For vegetarians the sausage and bacon can be replaced by cubes of Goudse. They worsen the looks of the dish, however.

Seriously, though. Stamppot is winter food. It's not exactly the most delicate of foods, but it's cheap, easy and filling. You can make it with almost any vegetable and you can jazz it up a bit with more exciting ingredients (chili pepper, cashew nuts, blue cheese) if just potato and vegetable is a bit too bland for you.

Stamppot is also eaten in Belgium, where they call it stoemp.