Harvest Moon tonight.

Well, actually this afternoon, but I can't see it in the sky, so I guess it doesn't quite seem real that the moon was full while the sun was shining. Craziness . . .

I have been pondering my religion a lot lately and gathering information about it for my collection of odds and ends I call a Book of Shadows. A while back I bought this book by Patricia Telesco called Advanced Wicca. I had been bored by a lot of other books on magick and Witchcraft, because most of the ones you could find were basic and said the same things I'd heard a billion times, but I had never really wanted to go for that one because I am not Wiccan and also I was afraid with a title like "Advanced" it might be something that was over my head. I bought it anyway, or rather, I chose it as a gift someone wanted to get me, in place of another book I wanted but could not find. That was back in April, and I haven't gotten around to reading it, until now.

I was surprised to find that much of its advice and its telltale signs of "adepthood" were things I already followed. It isn't over my head at all, and it hasn't been conscious hard study but rather experience and living that's brought me to where I am. It still has quite a bit of content on random things I'd like to try out, but I'm really glad I got the book, because it gave me some basis of understanding "where I am," so to speak.

Okay, so here's my menu log of stuff I ate today for my diet:

1 granola bar: 120 calories

1 apple: 80 calories
1 hard-boiled egg: 75 calories
1 English Muffin: 120 calories
1 Chips Ahoy cookie: 55 calories

1½ cups salad: 15 calories
2 tablespoons lite Miracle Whip: 70 calories
1 tablespoon Heinz Ketchup: 40 calories

12 Crispy Crowns potato bits: 170 calories
¼ cup dried apricots: 100 calories
1 tablespoon Heinz Ketchup to go with 'em: 40 calorie
¾ cup broccoli: 30 calories
2 pickle slices: 20 calories

The total for that is 935 calories. That only leaves me 65 calories today. That's just enough room to have ONE crescent cake in my esbat celebration tonight. ::Snort:: I used to eat three or four. Guess I must pace myself, and give the rest of the batch to my mom or something when I go visit her. I'm making her a birthday card tonight. Fun. I sure hope this diet thing is working, I would like to get below 110 by the end of the week. (That's only two pounds away, but when you're small you lose weight slowly.) Oh well.