S_alanet, I think you're missing the point. As far as I know, pointing out evidence for lack of intelligent design in humans, is never meant as disproof of any deity's existance, or anything nuts like that. Rather, it is a refutation of an argument sometimes made by creationists to try to show that evolution is an impossible explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. The argument, briefly, runs as: "Natural objects, particularly the human body appear complex and well-designed. Other things which appear complex and well designed, such as pocket watches, have intelligent designers. Therefore, humans must be the product of an intelligent designer, rather than random chance." There are a lot of things wrong with this argument, but the one at issue is that the human body, as well as lots of other natural objects, don't display the kind of good design you would expect from an intelligent designer; they display the kind of kludgey, crufty, ill-thought-out design you would expect from evolution. So the first part of the above argument falls apart. Is this proof that evolution is correct? Nope. Is it proof that the Christian Bible is wrong? Hell no. It's just one way to point out that the above argument is flawed.