Cook's Helpful Advice
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   With crispy edges or not, the perfect (and proper) sunny side up eggs are cooked on one side only, with fully set whites and runny yolks. So called since around 1887, they have become the go-to fried egg for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Flip them in the pan and cook them briefly on the former topside and they become sunny side down, or eggs over easy.

When prompted, a generative ai gave the following twenty-three tips for achieving craveable sunny side up eggs, ymmv. Comments in parentheses are mine.

  1. Fresh Eggs: Start with fresh eggs. Both the whites and the yolks will hold their shape better, resulting in a neater appearance. (True.)

  2. Room Temperature Eggs: Allow eggs to come to room temperature before cooking. Cold eggs can cause uneven cooking. (Debatable. You do you.)

  3. Non-Stick Frying Pan: Use a non-stick skillet to prevent sticking and make plating easier. (Also true.)

  4. Low Heat: Cook over low to medium-low heat. High heat can cause the whites to become tough. (Done correctly, however, high eat and olive oil make the most delicious crispy eggs.)

  5. Butter or Oil: Add a small amount of butter or oil to the pan for flavor and to help prevent sticking. (True.)

  6. Crack Eggs Gently: Crack the eggs gently to avoid breaking the yolks. (Imperative.)

  7. Do Not Disturb: Once the eggs are in the pan, avoid disturbing them. Let them cook undisturbed. (True for most, if not all, proteins.)

  8. Cover the Pan: Cover the pan with a lid to help set the whites. (Dangerously close to basted eggs. All that's missing is a splash of water.)

  9. Baste with Hot Oil: Spoon hot oil over the whites to help them cook evenly. (Technically, this cooks the eggs on both sides. *sigh*)

  10. Salt After Cooking: Salt can break down the whites, so add it after cooking. (True, and the perfect opportunity to use one's favorite finishing salt.)

  11. Pepper Before Cooking: Pepper won’t affect the whites, so sprinkle it on before cooking. (For a cleaner presentation, pepper the pan immediately prior to adding the eggs. Note also that a thin line of freshly ground black pepper makes a classy garnish.)

  12. Use a Spatula: Use a thin spatula to flip the eggs gently. (False unless one is making their eggs sunny side down.)

  13. Cook with Lid On: Cook with the lid on until the whites are set. (Repetition, repetition, repetition. See tip 8 above.)

  14. Season Yolk: Season the yolk with salt and pepper for extra flavor. (This is considered a tip? See tips 10 and 11 above.)

  15. Avoid Overcooking: Remove the eggs from the pan while the yolk is still runny. (Indeed.)

  16. Plate Immediately: Serve sunny-side-up eggs immediately to enjoy the warm yolk. (See previous tip. Also, à la minute, anyone?)

  17. Pair with Toast: Sunny side up eggs go well with toast for dipping. (And why they are known as dippy eggs in some locales. They also go with most carbs, honestly.)

  18. Garnish: Sprinkle chopped herbs (such as chives or parsley) on top for a fresh touch of zhuzh. (Presentation is everything!)

  19. Add Cheese: Melt a slice of cheese over the eggs for extra richness. (Really? And hide the yolk? 'Tis a far, far better thing to place the eggs on top of a slice of easy melting cheese, or finish with one's favorite grating cheese.)

  20. Serve with Bacon or Sausage: Pair sunny side up eggs with crispy bacon or savory sausage. (Or ham, or on a burger, or over hash, or…)

  21. Experiment with Spices: Try adding paprika, cayenne, or other spices for flavor variation. (Either as garnish, or bloomed in the oil if using to create an additional layer of flavor.)

  22. Shape the Whites: Use a spoon to gently shape the egg whites into a neat circle. (Useful.)

  23. Practice Makes Perfect: Don’t worry if your first few attempts aren’t flawless. Practice will help you master the technique! (True!)

for etouffee, C-Dawg, and SQ '24
see also Dizzy Gillespie'sSonny Side Up