Incidentally, this was the last straw for me and MS Office; after this I installed open Office, a FOSS office suite with almost all the capability of the MS offering.
Back in the day, I was writing the outline for a new training course in the then-new version of M$ Office and kept getting interrupted by the damned "assistant" chipping in with what Microsoft clearly believed were helpful suggestions. As it was a big distraction, I looked for ways of disabling it. Finally I used the assistant itself for help, typing "Fuck off, paper clip" into its prompt. Thankfully it dutifully outlined how to disable it, and I was thereafter untroubled by it. Seriously, I never heard of anyone who found it even remotely useful otherwise.
Hazelnut says re Clippy: I believe its internal name during development was TFC, or "that Fucking Clown."
xclip -o | wc -w