Many of you will know the battle I fought to have Tessie stay and live in California. The fight to keep her here has been going on for months, and after several days of trial, endless meetings with lawyers and another with the judge to argue our objections, we finally filed an appeal a couple of weeks ago.

I have just heard from the lawyer handling the case that the appeal has been declined.

Needless to say, I am devastated. I feel hollow, emptied of all life and hope. It's been such a dreadful few months and I'm emotionally exhausted. I'm hating the phone call I have to make to tell Tessie. It's going to be as hard as telling her that Christine had died. Before today, there's always been some glimmer of hope, a tiny candle burning. Today that little flame was extinguished.

To say "there ain't no justice" is a dreadful understatement. Her loving family is right here in Davis, it's not made of flesh and blood, it's made of listening and open arms and the tears shed over the years.

I feel as though I've failed, even though I know it's not true. The system of "justice" in this case has failed us. No wonder Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament all those years ago.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive over these months. I'm only sorry you won't be able to attend the fundraising we're having to offset part of the legal costs. I'm considering a silent auction of some of Christine's jewellery, but right now, the prospect of sorting that out is just too daunting.

I'm going to cry. Sorry, Christine. Sorry, Tess.