The 9 Original Redcode instructions (coppied verbatim from the original Scientific American revision of CoreWars. Generally known as Redcode 78.)

The 9 Redcode instructions are:

Instr:    Arguments:     Description/Result:
MOV       A    B         B will equal A (A is unchanged)
ADD       A    B         B will equal B + A (A unchanged)
SUB       A    B         B will equal B - A (A unchanged)
JMP       A              Program will jump to A
JMZ       A    B         Program will jump to A if B is zero
JMG       A    B         Program will jump to A if B > 0
DJZ       A    B         B will equal B - 1; if this is zero,
                           program jumps to A
CMP       A    B         Skip the next instruction unless A = B
DAT            B         B is data.  A PROGRAM LOSES
                           WHEN IT TRIES TO EXECUTE A "DAT"