Taking a day off and putting myself behind the wheel with few friends and out on the highway has to be the most exhilarating thing to do for a weary soul. Taking a deep breath of cold air in the rainforest cannot be traded with any other time as we fill our mind with the scent of nature which breathes deep into our lungs.

Sweet scent of leaves. Soft rustle as the zephyr dodges the trees. Falling droplets of water into the billabong. This is where we should find ourselves, surrendered in the mercy of nature as the warm sunlight dazes above as the mid-afternoon sun gazes into the windscreen as the car drives itself out of the forest and reaches the cliff face which overlooks the pacific ocean.

The salty wind from the East, brings us back to our senses, as the great sea roars away from the distant horizon and where we find ourselves to whom we really are. Such small yet sentient beings as we are, we cannot help but to be humbled at this great force of nature.

As I step outside the car, I bring out a thermos can which is filled with sweet smelling hazelnut coffee. Sharing the coffee with the friends as we take up the cold ocean wind, it is none other then glorious.

Times like these, you just got to love life.