Homemade hot chocolate

I like this because the chocolate is much much stronger than the store-bought stuff, and it's not so damn sweet. 


Pumpkin spice coffee egg nog

I have a poor sense of taste, so I can't taste coffee all that well. I always make my coffee pretty strong and drink it black, but I recently acquired this super nasty "pumpkin spice" coffee that tastes neither pumpkin-ey or spice-ey, it just tastes bad. 

I have found that if I make a really strong pot of this coffee and then dump some egg-nog into my coffee it redeems it, and I have pumpkin spice egg-nog, though I have not tried putting actual spices in it like nutmeg, cinnamon or clove (all those fall spices).


Extreme milk (or Milk++)

Take a glass of whole milk (it has to be whole milk, not the other percents) and dump a ton of heavy whipping cream into it. It still tastes just like milk, but you can taste the cream, the fat, and it tastes amazing. (Note: you should not do this on an empty stomach, and you should not drink a ton of it.) I read online that someone puts powdered milk in their milk to get "more milk per milk", but I haven't tried that yet and probably will never.


Peach oatmeal (Peach optional)

Cut up your peach as fine as you can get it without it becoming mush and boil it with your oats. Once boiled, stir in a some brown sugar (just enough to taste the molasses) and maple syrup (so you taste the maple). Dump in some heavy whipping cream. That's it. Yummy oatmeal. Before I made oatmeal like this I just used oats and honey and, oh boy, this is so much better (even without the peach)



There's some more recipes that I use (but didn't create), they can be found here.