The dream of money is to have enough to avoid having to compromise and negotiate and trade favors and organize to get what you want.

If you have money, especially if you have enough, you can simply say "take it or leave it" and let that be that. But if you don't have money, then you need people. Which means you need to negotiate, grit your teeth and deal with your stupid neighbors and your useless friends and your nagging family and that guy you told to fuck off yesterday, and there are few things more embarrassing than having to ask for help from a guy you told to fuck off yesterday.

All of this will inevitably result in your original aims being at least slightly distorted by the differing goals of other people. Which is incredibly annoying if you're an idealistic, uncompromising visionary. Such people tend to clash and scrape against their societies and make a lot of awful noise.

Isn't it so nice if you can just toss some coins at people to get them to help you, instead of having to trade bulk goods or favors? It's also nice if you can just literally tell people "do this" and have them do it or else, but statistically speaking you're not going to be a warlord or a dictator or a slaver, and if you're any of those you still wind up having to pay the people who are keeping your thralls in line, so ultimately you can't get out of paying the piper.

Fortunately for the modern day, we have welfare states that provide a certain level of services on a non-personal basis, such that poor people who would have previously been forced to get involved in the sordid and petty business of cutting off bits of their personality to appeal to the jerks around them can avoid a great deal of that.

And then you have the extremely rare and extraordinary person like yours truly, who has the ability to sail past most of all that by combining an adorable face with a charming manner and diminutive stature, such that the first reaction of many people to me is "aww" and they offer to help me without my even asking. I've been effectively picked up and carried through a fair number of trying situations that way. Don't try to replicate my method, I have the feeling that the charming-personality part is a combination of autism, ADHD, high principles, and naivety born from my family already having a great deal of money.

So I guess my family didn't get out of paying the piper either, and I'm just riding in the wake they made.