Omnia Discordia

To the terse,
those elusive muses of the verbose!

May our words be as fleeting as a politician's promise,
yet as impactful as a meteor strike.

Here's to the art of saying nothing with great eloquence,
and to the beauty of loquaciousness masquerading as simplicity.

Let us revel in the paradox of concise prolixity,
inspiring confusion and amusement in every discourse.

Cheers to making every word a labyrinth and to the strength found in the obfuscation of clarity!

Hail Eris!

All hail Discordia!

last but not least,
thank you for being you!

Posted this Prickle-Prickle, the 32nd day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190
for Iron Noder XVII

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