It's been two weeks yesterday since I left the hospital after my last (third) heart attack. In and out in three days again, as seems to be my wont. Recovery has been completely different from the first and the second. The catheterization went in through my arm this time, and not my leg, for one. And, I was "coherently awake" for the whole process this time. Always odd, I might add.

The biggest issue has been the difference in medications. On my second statin this time around, and about to be on a third soon if I'm not mistaken. This has resulted in a weight loss of about fifteen pounds in two weeks, putting me on the high end of having an unhealthy BMI. (I'm 6'2" and about 130 lbs. at the moment. And on restricted liquids due to my ischemic cardiomyopathy.) Have already switched beta blockers, too, as the first was too effective. Haven't actually started the replacement yet as my blood pressure is never high enough to begin taking it. For intance, my two lowest have been 91/59 and 84/63. Am sure that will change on Wednesday when I return to work where I'll be on my feet for far longer than I've been in a couple of weeks. Thankfully, my first two shifts back will be half shifts to see how well I hold up.

Speaking of work, this is the longest I've been away after a heart attack as I now have the luxury of paid time off to use instead of rushing to get back to work to pay the bills. I also have medical insurance for the first time since achieving adulthood. Lots of stress reduction there, which is noice. The biggest problem with going back to work is I'll be walking about a mile to get there and in my neck of the woods, the heat index has already topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Did I mention the restricted liquid intake?

The good news? Well, in addition to still being around(!!!), it is that no additional damage was done to my heart, of which I'm at about forty-five percent efficiency (instead of the normal sixty-five) after the second. All of the myocardial infarctions have been in almost the exact same place. My second stent overlaps my first, and my third is inside both of those. These last two widowmakers have both been 100 percent blockage. Watch your LDL levels, kiddies!

And now for something completely different, at least to the above. On March 2, 2024, at the end of Terse Quest 2024, I mentioned I wanted to run another quest this summer. Side Quest 2024 (proposal) is it, but I need feedback to determine user interest before posting, as per Tem42's guidance. This is how I'm going about collecting said interest, or lack thereof.

Upvote the wu if interested, and downvote if deemed unwanted. Do neither if you don't care one way nor the other; no commitment to participating implied as voting is anonymous. Also, feel free to /msg me with any questions, concerns, corrections, edits, and/or et ceteras as may apply and please, please, please do so before the end of May, that I may submit the quest to June's edition of News for Noders. Not to mention getting the node title changed and any additional editing as may be required before going live. My apologies for nodevertising but it seemed to be my best bet for soliciting interest in such an endeavor without potentially spamming our beloved and overworked staff.

Blessings of health and happiness to you and yours!

Edited: As of June 20, 2024, Side Quest 2024 is an event and no longer a proposal idea. Thank you.

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